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National Asbestos Lung Cancer Lawyers that take you seriously

Even brief exposure to asbestos 50 years ago can cause lung cancer today

For decades, millions of Americans were regularly exposed to asbestos, a natural mineral and known cancer-causing agent. This happened at work and through contact with everyday products. Big corporations lied about the health risks posed by asbestos. They knew asbestos exposure often leads to lung cancer – and they didn’t care.

Because they put profits over people, hundreds of thousands of hard-working people developed asbestos-related lung cancer, mesothelioma and other terrible illnesses. Asbestos exposure victims deserve justice and financial compensation for their medical expenses, losses, pain and suffering. Billions of dollars are available to victims and their families through Asbestos Trust Funds, injury lawsuits, and benefits claims. But getting the money you deserve is often a hard battle without help from an experienced asbestos attorney.

At the Ferrell Law Group, we will fight for you. Our goal is to make the process of applying, negotiating, and litigating for your maximum share of the money go as easy on you as possible. If you were diagnosed with lung cancer and over age 62, you may have a strong case for financial compensation. Contact the Ferrell Law Group for a free case consultation. Our asbestos lawyers can answer your questions and explain your options for financial compensation. There is no fee or obligation to hire us – just answers you can trust.

What is asbestos?

Asbestos removal workers removing a portion of a roof in Houston, TXAsbestos is a naturally occurring, heat-resistant mineral that is composed of fibers. It was used in fire-resistant and insulating materials, among many other products. When inhaled, asbestos fibers can penetrate and irritate the lung tissue, leading to chronic inflammation, DNA damage, and ultimately the development of lung cancer. Asbestos exposure can also cause asbestosis or mesothelioma. Those most at risk of developing asbestos lung cancer or mesothelioma worked with asbestos or were otherwise regularly exposed to it. However, even a brief exposure 50 or more years ago could cause lung cancer.

Asbestos was widely used due to its heat-resistant properties, durability, and affordability. Products that contained asbestos included insulation, roofing materials, floor tiles, cement products, automotive brakes and clutches, gaskets, and many other building materials and machines. Asbestos was also used in fire-resistant clothing such as gloves.

Americans were most exposed to asbestos between the 1940s and 1970s, particularly during World War II and the post-war construction boom, when asbestos was widely used in industries like shipbuilding, construction, oil drilling and refining, automotive manufacturing, power plants, chemical plants, and textile mills. The health risks associated with asbestos were hidden for years. The U.S. issued a partial ban on asbestos in 1989.

Do I qualify to file an asbestos lung cancer claim or lawsuit?

Not all cases of lung cancer are related to asbestos, of course. But because exposure to asbestos was so common, millions of Americans have been exposed, especially men over the age of 62. Many people with lung cancer qualify to file asbestos-related lung cancer claims and lawsuits, especially if you worked in an industry with a high risk of asbestos exposure like:

  • Construction
  • Shipbuilding
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining
  • Oil refining and extraction
  • Military service
  • Automotive
  • Railroad work

Asbestos lung cancer financial compensation

If you have lung cancer due to exposure to asbestos, you deserve compensation for damages resulting from the illness. Every case is different. The type of compensation you may collect depends on the specific circumstances of your case. However, it’s not uncommon to receive tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars by filing asbestos trust fund claims, and insurance claims and lawsuits can be worth millions.

Where does the money for asbestos lung cancer victims come from?

Much of the financial compensation collected by asbestos lung cancer victims comes from Asbestos Trust Funds (ATFs). The funds were established by businesses that exposed people to asbestos and then went bankrupt. Oftentimes, our clients qualify to file claims with multiple ATFs.

Common options for asbestos lung cancer compensation include:

  • Asbestos trust fund claims. There are dozens of ATFs in the U.S. Many of them have $1 billion or more available to asbestos exposure victims.
  • Filing an injury claim or lawsuit. This action may be taken against an existing company like a manufacturer or supplier responsible for illegal asbestos exposure. Many of these companies are protected by bankruptcy, but some are still in business.
  • Filing a wrongful death claim or lawsuit. If your loved one died due to asbestos-related lung cancer, you deserve financial compensation for your pain and suffering, funeral expenses, your loved one’s medical expenses, and so much more.
  • Applying for VA benefits. If you were exposed to asbestos while serving our country in the military, you may be eligible for Veterans’ Affairs (VA) benefits. These benefits can cover medical expenses, lost income, and other expenses resulting from asbestos exposure.

How much money can I get for asbestos lung cancer?

The compensation for asbestos lung cancer victims depends on various factors, so there is no simple answer to this question. Our experienced attorneys can assist in navigating the legal process and maximizing financial recovery by providing necessary information to make informed decisions.

Our lawyers make the process of collecting your money easy

For more than 30 years, the Ferrell Law Group has helped asbestos lung cancer victims nationwide get the financial compensation and justice they deserve. We put these decades of experience to use for you and fight for top results.

The Ferrell Law Group works on a contingency fee basis, meaning we only take a fee as a percentage of your recovered damages, if and only if we win your case. You will never be billed for our services. Fees and expenses will be deducted from any compensation we recover on your behalf. If no settlements are received, you will still owe nothing to our firm.

Don't hesitate to find out if you are eligible to receive thousands or even millions of dollars in compensation. Contact us today for a free case consultation and trustworthy answers.

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