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Lung Cancer Claims for Cigarette Smokers

Smoking doesn’t end your right to financial compensation

Too many people mistakenly think that smokers who were exposed to asbestos can't seek financial compensation for lung cancer. They blame their lung cancer entirely on smoking. But that isn’t right.

A lot of people who file successful asbestos exposure and lung cancer claims are smokers.

The Ferrell Law Group understands the special circumstances and evidence required to successfully pursue asbestos compensation when tobacco is a factor. Our national asbestos lung cancer lawyers handle the details while you focus on your health, family, and the things that matter most to you.

If you are a smoker who was exposed to asbestos and now have lung cancer, don’t give up. If you otherwise qualify, smoking does not hurt your case for compensation. Contact the Ferrell Law Group for a free consultation to find out more about your case and your options. At no cost to you, a member of our team can answer your asbestos-related legal questions.

How does asbestos affect smokers?

A lot of people who file asbestos lung cancer claims are smokers. When asbestos was at its peak in the U.S., anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of American adults were smoking. It’s very common for asbestos lung cancer victims to have smoked at some point during their lives.

Tobacco and asbestos work together or “synergistically” to raise lung cancer risk, according to studies. Here’s how:

  • Asbestos makes a risky situation worse. Tiny asbestos fibers inhaled through the nose or mouth typically increase the uptake and metabolism of “polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons” - a known cancer-causing agent in tobacco smoke. They help to start tumors and keep them growing.
  • Tobacco smoke raises the risk of cancer and increases the binding of asbestos fibers to the lung. This can genetically damage cells and stimulate malignant tumor growth.

The body can remove some asbestos fibers over time, but continual exposure to asbestos and smoke traps toxic fibers as they build up in the lungs. Asbestos may also cause chronic inflammation, which can encourage lung tumors to metastasize.

Studies show that even in a heavy smoker, any asbestos exposure contributes to lung cancer. Lung cancer victims who were exposed to asbestos have the legal right to claim compensation from asbestos trust funds and any other available resources, no matter what other factors may have contributed to their lung cancer.

Get the justice, respect, and compensation you deserve

Manufacturers knew for decades that asbestos put lives at risk, but they kept using it in more and more in applications across a wide variety of industries. They were greedy and reckless. Whether you smoked or not, you are owed justice and compensation.

If you were exposed to asbestos, even for a little while, and have lung cancer, contact us for a free case consultation. A member of our team can answer your legal questions and explain your options and next steps. There is no cost for this consultation and no obligation to hire us. If you do choose to have the Ferrell Law Group fight for you, we work on contingency. That means there is no upfront or out-of-pocket expenses for our services. If we don’t win, you don’t pay.

We are available to hear from you anytime, day or night. Contact us to schedule a free consultation right now.

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