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Compensation for Lung Cancer Victims

Our lawyers make the process of collecting your money easier

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer caused by toxic substance or asbestos exposure, it is important to understand your legal options for financial compensation.

There are billions of dollars available to victims of asbestos-related lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other related diseases through Asbestos Trust Funds. This money can help pay for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. The Ferrell Law Group has been helping lung cancer victims get the justice and compensation they deserve for more than 30 years. We know where the money is and what we need to do to get you every dime you are owed.

Our national lung cancer attorneys have recovered over hundreds of millions of dollars for clients and their families. If you were diagnosed with lung cancer, find out what we can do for you. Contact the Ferrell Law Group for a free consultation. We can evaluate the strength of your case and explain your options for lung cancer compensation.

Types of compensation for lung cancer victims

Every case is different, but the following are some of the types of compensation that may be available to asbestos and toxic exposure lung cancer victims:

  • Asbestos Trust Funds
  • Personal injury civil claims or lawsuits
  • “Toxic torts”
  • Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI)
  • Veterans' benefits
  • Workers' Compensation benefits
  • Wrongful death claims or lawsuits

Lung cancer victims can frequently file claims with multiple trust funds, programs, and entities. Our national toxic exposure and asbestos lung cancer lawyers can help you decide what is right for you.

Who qualifies for lung cancer compensation?

Toxic exposure most often occurs at work. Workers who develop lung cancer may have been exposed to an array of harmful substances like asbestos, diesel exhaust, radon, silica, arsenic, cadmium, chromium, and benzene, among others. Many of these substances are known or suspected carcinogens and can increase the risk of developing lung cancer over time. Some jobs associated with a higher risk of toxic exposure lung cancer include:

  • Coal miners
  • Foundry workers
  • Oilfield workers
  • Painters and decorators
  • Chemical plant workers
  • Welders
  • Construction workers
  • Rubber manufacturing workers
  • Steel mill workers
  • Diesel mechanics
  • Firefighters
  • Farmers and agricultural workers

Occupational toxic exposure is a major factor in lung cancer cases, but it’s not the only way people make contact with hazardous substances. Employees who work with dangerous materials may unknowingly carry toxic fibers and particles home to their families and loved ones. This secondary exposure can also cause lung cancer. Other times exposure happens through toxic or defective products. Environmental exposure can be dangerous, as well.

We find important evidence to support your lung cancer case

Many lung cancer victims think it will be a problem if they can’t remember exactly when or how they were exposed to hazardous materials. We want you to know that that’s okay. You don’t need to have the details down. We can get all that information for you when we investigate your case.

The Ferrell Law Group has more than 30 years of experience representing people with lung cancer, including people whose exposure was decades ago. We know what to look for and how to find the evidence necessary to win.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with lung cancer due to asbestos or toxic exposure, don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We'll listen to what happened to you, answer your legal questions, and help you understand your financial compensation options.

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