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National Lung Cancer Trust Fund Claims

Our lung cancer lawyers know how to get results from trust funds

If you're suffering from lung cancer, are over age 62, and worked in an industry with a high risk of asbestos exposure, you may be owed significant financial compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

There are multi-billion-dollar lung cancer trust funds available to compensate victims and their families. Better known as Asbestos Trust Funds, ATFs, or Mesothelioma Trust Funds, these funds can be life-changing. If you have lung cancer because of asbestos exposure, you deserve to access them.

The Ferrell Law Group helps asbestos victims prove their cases and file successful claims for maximum compensation. Our national team of lung cancer trust fund lawyers has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. After 30 years fighting for asbestos victims, we know what it takes to beat trust fund lawyers and win big.

These trust funds were created to provide financial assistance to individuals who have been harmed by companies that declared bankruptcy due to asbestos-related lawsuits. However, the process of filing a claim and receiving compensation can be challenging. Don't face it alone. Contact our experienced legal team for a free case consultation to learn more about how the law applies to your specific situation and how much your case may be worth.

Do I qualify to file a lung cancer trust fund claim?

Victims of lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure are likely eligible to file claims with ATFs if they meet certain qualifications. These qualifications may include:

  • Having a medical diagnosis of lung cancer
  • History of exposure to asbestos-containing products
  • Proof that the exposure occurred while working for an eligible company or using an eligible product
  • Falling within the time frame of the exposure.

It's important to note that each ATF has its own set of eligibility requirements, which may include specific timeframes for filing a claim or meeting certain medical criteria. Consulting with our experienced asbestos lung cancer lawyers can help you determine if you meet the qualifications and increase your chances of successfully filing a claim.

How to file a lung cancer trust fund claim

Filing a lung cancer trust fund claim can be a complicated and overwhelming process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Consult with a lawyer. Not just any lawyer can keep your claim moving forward. You need the right attorney, one who specializes in asbestos-related lung cancer cases, to get the job done right. Our law firm can help you determine which trust funds you may qualify for and assess the strength of your case.
  • Gather evidence and documentation, such as medical records and proof of asbestos exposure. The Ferrell Law Group specializes in connecting lung cancer to past asbestos exposure. You do not have to remember exactly when, where, or how it happened. Our knowledgeable investigation team will find the hard evidence you need to support your case.
  • File a claim. While you focus on your health and the people and things you love the most, we will prepare and file your claim with the appropriate trust fund(s). This includes completing paperwork, providing supporting documents, and meeting any deadlines.
  • Negotiate. Send in the professionals at the Ferrell Law Group to negotiate trust fund settlements. We have dealt with all ATFs you may be seeking compensation from and gotten real results for our clients.
  • Receive your compensation. Your lawyer can help you understand how your compensation will be distributed and ensure that you receive it in a timely manner.

Don’t forget: It is important to remember that even if you have smoked or currently smoke, you may still have been exposed to asbestos that contributed to your lung cancer. That means you may be able to seek compensation through trust funds. Many people who win lung cancer trust fund, ATF, and other such claims have smoked cigarettes or cigars, vaped, or used some other tobacco product at some point in their lives.

Examples of lung cancer trust funds

Some of the trust funds with more than $1 billion available include:

  • Armstrong World Industries Trust
  • Babcock & Wilcox Trust
  • Pittsburg Corning Corp. Trust
  • S. Gypsum Trust
  • W.R. Grace and Co. Trust

Contact the Ferrell Law Group to start your lung cancer trust fund claim today

The Ferrell Law Group has a team of highly experienced lung cancer trust fund attorneys who know the law and have a proven track record of representing their clients zealously and successfully. Over the years, founding attorney James C. Ferrell has recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in trial verdicts and settlements for his clients.

If you're struggling with lung cancer after exposure to asbestos, contact us for a free consultation. We'll listen to the details of what happened, answer your questions, and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions about your legal options. Our goal is to help you get the justice and compensation you deserve so you can focus on your health and your family. A member of our team is available to hear from you any time, night or day. Contact us right now.

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