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Mesothelioma Lawsuits & Settlement Attorneys

Over 30 years of experience getting results for mesothelioma victims nationwide

If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you need to know about all your legal options for compensation including what financial compensation could be gained through lawsuits and settlements.

Every case is different, and the right action for you will be determined by the circumstances of your case. Many asbestos companies have declared bankruptcy, in which case the only way to get compensation is through trust fund claims. But if you were exposed to asbestos produced by a company that is still solvent, you can file a lawsuit or negotiate a settlement.

The Ferrell Law Group can explain your options in plain English. We have helped thousands of asbestos exposure victims recover over hundreds of millions of dollars. This financial compensation helps pay for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and other damages. If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer and believe that a corporation is responsible for your illness, we urge you to contact our firm today for a free consultation.

Mesothelioma lawsuits and settlements

At Ferrell Law Group, our goal is to make the process of collecting mesothelioma compensation as easy on you as possible. Even if we file a lawsuit, it is unlikely that you will have to go to court. We are adept at negotiating fair settlements. But we are also prepared to go to trial if that’s what it takes to get results for our clients.

What is a good mesothelioma settlement?

Every case is different and case outcomes are typically private. It is hard to know what an average or good overall settlement would be. However, many mesothelioma victims can receive hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars – and our case results include several such recoveries.

Wrongful death mesothelioma lawsuits

Caring for a loved one dying of mesothelioma is beyond devastating. No amount of money can make up for losing them. It didn’t have to be this way.

The Ferrell Law Group thoroughly analyzes wrongful death mesothelioma claims and refuses to settle for anything less than maximum compensation. A great injustice was done to you, and we want to help you get justice and money.

Every state has its own rules and regulations about who can file a wrongful death lawsuit and the necessary circumstances to succeed in a mesothelioma wrongful death lawsuit. Our mesothelioma lawyers have more than 30 years of experience helping victims nationwide. We understand the laws and processes necessary to get results.

Fierce advocates for your mesothelioma lawsuit

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, hiring a national mesothelioma lawyer can be an important step towards getting the money you are rightfully due.

One important thing to note is that our mesothelioma lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will not be responsible for paying any upfront costs or fees. Instead, we only get paid if we are successful in obtaining a settlement or verdict in your case.

At the Ferrell Law Group, we offer free consultations to all potential mesothelioma clients. During this initial meeting, we will review the details of your case and answer any questions you may have about the legal process. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation and learn more about how we can help you seek justice for your mesothelioma diagnosis.

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